Saturday, August 26, 2017

It drives me freaking nuts when some program says "should I do X for you?" and I say "sure" and it says "sorry ha ha 'doing X for you' is not supported, you have to do it manually!" and then of course it doesn't even give me any kind of lead on docs on how to 'do X'.
IntelliJ derived IDEs are better than like 80% of all other IDEs. But there are a few ways in which they utterly fall down and make me livid when it comes to UX. (Sorta like how there's nowadays no main stream browser that does bookmarks or history UI right any more, just boggles the mind.) Like how now Ctrl-W can close the Project view. Or how during a refactor > extract > interface, it gives me a long laundry list of checkboxes, and no obvious way to de/select more than one at a time?1
Humanity is 99% idiots when it comes to usability, myself included - although at least I recognize the fact; most people don't even know. Programming language compiler type people are all too frequently missing basic usability fixes like: when you tell me 2 types don't match, especially when one or more of the types is/are inferred, you should show me which part of the ascii each type came from so I can figure out WHAT THE FUDGE. Jerk face dumb heads!!!! Grn. Anybody who makes something in programming and fails to make debugging affordances for it is an butt hole, if you ask me. I should be able to step through what the heck the compiler is thinking (and it shouldn't be insane crazy stuff no normal human can grok).

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Java really is a truly depressing programming language.

Monday, August 21, 2017

"A sufficiently advanced compiler" is a standard dark humor sick joke of the programming world.

I'd like to say that "a sufficiently advanced IDE" is similarly and indictment of whatever idea the phrase was used to try to defend. E.g. when somebody says oh don't worry about the ascii verbosity of a language, we can have our IDEs handle the boilerplate - yeah, well whoever suggests that is an idiot with apparently no practical experience in life. Consider IntelliJ can't refactor-move a non-static field of a class!?

Friday, August 11, 2017

Another wonderful UX faux pas I seem to see ever more: sites that prevent me from shift/ctrl/alt/whatever-clicking to open the data in a new tab. Die, Google Maps! Die! (Ok, well maybe don't die since the data there is so much better than the alternatives - very unfortunately.)
eCommerce UX is a freaking joke. I've yet to see an online store that didn't obviously seriously suck in some way or another. It blows my mind that these things can earn any money at all sometimes. I guess it just goes to show how much worse it is to have to go to a real store? Random e.g.: gift certificates that don't let you get both email & usmail versions sent.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

most any real programming language with public visibility by default is bad. i feel.
java really is a horrible, horrible programming language.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Under the covers, Git might make some kind of sense. It is therefore a true testament to how utterly bad most people are at UX and UI that the command line tools for Git are such a complete dung heap. Random e.g: "origin mybranch" in some places, "origin/mybranch" in others.
WOW! do i hate intellij right about now! i click the thing to do the self update and it puts me through like 3 progress bars (so it looks like 1 progress bar that gets to 100% and then resets, three freaking times in a row?) and during the last one locks up my machine, and THEN presents me with another modal dialog that won't alt-tab away that has... ANOTHER PROGRESS BAR.

yes. hate. hateful ux. ux from hate. from hell.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Xorg configuration and documentation thereof is such an epic piece of dead rat excrement. As if we're still living in 1962 and nobody has ever heard of usability. Let alone GUIs for groking and editing configs.