Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sufficeth to say, however you do browsing and searching, please do not do it like Steam.

I've said it before oh well: When showing dates, I prefer them to be fully, redundantly specified. So "2 days ago" doesn't help me unless it also maybe says the name of the weekday, at least. Or "3/12" doesn't help me - now I have to go look on a calendar to figure out what actual day of the week it is! Or saying "Tuesday" without a numerical date is open to confusion as well. Etc. ad nauseum. Today my Android 5 phone's call history UX is just killing me.

P.S.: Also? A bloody timestamp!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Is it diversity when there are multiple cultures, but they all using iOS devices? Is it really only entirely bad fragmentation when there are multiple competing systems cf. MSX vs. CBM vs. Sinclair vs. Atari vs etc.? Like when we were going through the MIPS vs. ALPHA vs. PowerPC vs. etc. phases, it was sort of more thrilling and different and inconsistent, that's hybrid vigor. Heck, it was super cool to get to use an Apple ][ clone that friends brought in from Hong Kong, even if it was perhaps not the best respect for intellectual property. Once Windows won out, and then later once iOS and Android divvied up the world between them, things just sort of I dunno feel like it is harder for random good or wacky ideas to get any traction. Newton scripting. Amiga public screens. ATARI support for MIDI. ZX Spectrums running monochromatic 3D games. Token ring. And don't even get me started on the Plessy System 250. Sure, not all those things were maybe even good, let alone better, but they were at least different. Sure, if we have some common things, some sort of 'standards' (ie. x86, but hey consider AMD64 being what pushed us into 64 bits), then they can get optimized cf. gigabit ethernet. And yeah in reality it sucks if you have to stock ethernet cables plus token ring cables plus appletalk cables plus etc. (as we had to in college computer clusters). Sure, the piano forte and the modern guitar have won out over the harpsichord or oud for various possibly valid reasons, but that sort of cultural steamrollering feels sad to me at times. I kinda miss the wacky weird palette of the C64, even if I did at the time drool over Atari 256 color demos (the Amiga Hold And Modify was just kinda weird, but so what, DPaint was fun). The previous/old things weren't better in any absolute sense, sure, but the differences made things seem to have more charisma. Well, hooray for emulators, I guess.
I use bash. One thing that kills me about it is how (have I mentioned this recently?) it seems to destroy the history in some ways. I think if I go back to something in the history (ctrl-p or up arrow or whatever) and then do ctrl-u is maybe how it forgets that one for ever? Which is, uh, really annoying? I don't grok it.