Sunday, May 22, 2016

Progressively loaded web pages are often the world's worst UX because apparently nobody bothers to pre-calculate the sizes of divs so everything moves around as the page loads. Which means one can't really click on things successfully because half the time the thing moves and your click ends up on something else. I guess all web devs only do things over a buhzillionabit connections on their internal local network or something unlike some of the rest of us mundane jerks who only have slow DSL?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Is it just me, or is the UX for the video on this page pretty much utterly effed up beyond comprehension? The only way they could possibly ever make it even remotely any worse would be to make it somehow cause my keyboard and mouse to suddenly leak human blood.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"I agree all data structures are not equal, and on modern hardware you want to be using arrays as caching behaviour can dominate the 'O' of the algorithm."

Friday, May 13, 2016

A litmus test of mine: if you, overall, like Gradle then I strongly suspect we will never be able to see eye to eye.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Communication is hard, and people suck. I find it rather annoying when there's the title/summary of a question, but then there's the underlying use case that led to it, and then the answers say "yes" but what they really mean is "no" for the title/summary + "here's a crappy hack" for the underlying use case. Especially because web search engines are for the most part probably going to match on the title/summary, and so then I will get them as matches, and then read the damned things and they will not be answering my own use case under the rubric of the same title/summary. Whatever.
If you grew up in the era before, during, and after personal home computers then you might have a sense of that feeling of a before and after, where before there was nothing with a computer feeling to it, and then after (like, after you laboriously typed the BASIC listing in from a magazine article) there was something. Watching the something, especially if it had any rudimentary animation with crappy low rez character graphics, could really give one a strong emotive sense of the start contrast between the before and after. Even though the after was lame, the fact that it existed at all was amazing to behold and ponder and weigh.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I find this so wrong it kinda actively hurts my intestinal lining.

(to clarify: because nobody ever bought me perfume.)
I find this so wrong it kinda actively hurts my intestinal lining.

(to clarify: because nobody ever bought me perfume.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
I am hereby promising myself and my family that I will no longer be a knee jerk hammer ton of bricks style father, but will instead stop and think about what i need to say and more importantly how to sa -- WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING? DEITY! THAT'S NOT HOW YOU OPEN THE FRENCH DOORS!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Craigslist apparently changed their 4 buttons of "Newest | Relevant | $$$ | $$$" to a weird pop-up thing that pops up on mouse over and uses up and down arrows to try to indicate sort order. To my mind it is kind of a living heckdom of really painfully transparently bad UX. Who comes up with this stuff? How does it possibly get through usability testing? Am I just a freakish freaking alien? (Yes, I know.)